VOILÀ after a long and inspiring journey our health freaks prayed to the Vegan God and created
an energy drink that has long-lasting energy, no sugar, no crash, healthy on some other level,
and tastes like heaven 😉
Exclusively available in South Africa… for now 😉

Jean Swanepoel
Gruny®, a drink I swear by that will help quench your cravings for a good tasting fizzy drink while not breaking your diet with it’s low calorie count.
Gives long lasting energy without a crash at the end to keep you going when you need a boost!!
Instagram: @Jeanswanepoel16
Tom Tatham14
Gruny® energy is an absolute knock out of the park. Not only does it taste great (mango flavour is my personal favourite), but the natural energy you get is insane and lasts well through the day with no crash to be found.
Bonus tip, it also pairs incredibly with gin… Apparently, I friend told me
Instagram: @tomtatham14